Thursday, 14 July 2011

How to Prevent Ban on Adsense Account

                How to Prevent Ban on Adsense Account

Some may not be knowing what is Adsense and what is used for and some know it and using it and earning money and some have used it have earned money but lost their account due to lack of knowledge.

Adsense is a Google product where you can earn money by displaying Adsense ads in your site. For displaying ads you have to create a blog or site or join a site where the Adsense programs are accepted and can display its ads. Then you have to create account from it and if you obey there rules and policies your account will be accepted and you can start displaying ads.

But the problems faced by Adsense users is that they never read the Adsense policies which result in ban on their Adsense account and Adsense is very strict if they ban you once then you cannot participate for the lifetime again.

I cannot explain all the measures to prevent Adsense ban on your account but some general rules and important things I can tell you.

First up of all read all the Adsense policies and check your site or blog follows its policies and obeying it. Then you have to do is never click the ads on your site or the ads displayed by you and never ask anyone to click it.

For getting traffic never put your blog or site in traffic exchange sites or any such sites because Adsense policies does not agree it and result on ban on your account.

Never used copyrighted content or content from another site such as copying pasting in your site and the content in your site must be your own and not copied one from other sites.

Do not use any software or any bots to get traffic and clicks on your ad because Google has good engineers and you will be caught which result in ban on your account.

Try to earn from your potential by getting more traffic to your site and stay loyal and honest to Google. If someone clicked your ads repeatedly for resulting ban on your Adsense account then you can report it to Google.

Google will not ban your Adsense account within 1-2 days when you disobey their policies will take 1-2 weeks time so do not try to check or think that clicking your Ads will result in ban on your account.

Google gives not second chance so try best to avoid ban by reading at least the important policies of Adsense.


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