Saturday, 13 August 2011

Club Asteria Turing Scam

As a I am saying that Club Asteria turning scam means do not take it that is has reached a fully scam site but they are showing signs of a scam site and many members have left the site for last few months as it has changed its payment plans.

Earlier they paid $400 every week for those who have 20000 asterios and those who have less Asterios also got a weekly good amount of money. The cost of 1 asterio was $1 and we get 1 or more than asterios every week also when we get money weekly.

Recently they said they have problems with PayPal that people buy their products cannot buy products from them using PayPal account and so they are not earning any money so they are cannot pay money.

Moreover they pay a very very less money to its members those who asterios compared to earlier time and I said they are turning scam means those who referrals can earn money like the normal way that for referring Gold member they will get $9 and for silver members $4.

But the site main way to provide income to the people was weekly revenue sharing but they failed to pay now and people those who do not have referrals left the site and those who had referrals also lost their referrals.

One more thing the site has warned its members not say this matter to anyone or do not publish anything like this so keep this as private and within Club Aseria. Those who do against this will be punished and that is the main reason I said they are showing the signs of turning scam.

Another defect they proved was that they had offer of getting double amount of asterios that is for $250 or above purchase in asterios we get double the number of asterios that is if we buy using asterios for $250 we get 500 asterios and they said that this offer will close soon and those who want it buy  asterios before that time and many bought it using $250,$50 etc and my friend also bought it. Then after 2-3weeks they put the above changes I mentioned in there payment scheme and all this factors show me that they are turning scam.

If you plan to invest money in Club Asteria keep all this in mind and use your money at your own risk in that site.

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